How To Cancel Primerica Life Insurance?

To cancel your Primerica life insurance policy, simply place a call to their customer care center on 888-737-2255 and request to speak with an agent. Once your call has been directed to an agent, make it known that you would like to cancel your life policy. Finally, ask the agent for a confirmation email to ensure your request has been acknowledged. Of course, you can also cancel your policy online.

There are several reasons you may wish to cancel your life insurance policy; more often than not, it is a financial reason. Perhaps you can no longer meet up with the premium payments, or you are not happy with your plan anymore.

Whatever the case, we would advise you to discuss with your agent whether canceling your policy is the best step to take concerning your circumstances.

Step By Step Guide On How To Cancel Your Primerica Life Policy

Step By Step Guide On How To Cancel Your Primerica Life Policy

Step 1: Call customer care to speak with an agent – virtually all requests in insurance companies start this way; by reaching out to their contact center. It is usually the easiest way to make inquiries or get anything done per your request. It is also the fastest since responses are provided in real-time.

Step 2: Provide necessary details – the next step is to provide the agent with all the important information to handle your request or complaint. The most important one is your policy number, be sure to have it readily available as there is a high probability the agent will request it.

Step 3: Request for policy cancellations – now that the company has confirmed that you have a policy with them, they are obligated to serve you. You communicate your needs with them; in this context, you want to cancel your life insurance policy and subscriptions.

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Step 4: Ask for evidence of confirmation – the final step is to ensure your request has been acknowledged. Have the company send you a mail confirming that your policy has been canceled or that they are in the process of doing so. This will come in handy should you suspect that Primerica did not handle your request satisfactorily.

Primerica Life Policy Coverage

Primerica only offers term life insurance policies, unlike other companies that offer universal and whole life policies. At Primerica, you can get a policy with a term as long as 35 years with guaranteed insurability up to age 95.

You don’t have the option of receiving a quote online the way some companies do, you need to discuss your insurance needs with an agent in the company, and they will advise you on how much coverage you need.

Cost of Insurance at Primerica

Several factors like age, gender, location, and health status determine the final cost of your insurance rates. For example, if you work a high-risk job or have high-risk hobbies, you will likely spend more on insurance premiums.

Examples of high-risk occupations and hobbies include scuba diving, rock climbing, firefighting, construction, mining, and much more.

Another factor that determines the cost of your insurance is what type of policy you are purchasing. Policies with higher coverage and term period will cost more than policies with limited coverage and short-term periods. Adding riders to your policy could also increase the price of your policy.

Purchasing Insurance at Primerica

The only way to purchase a policy with Primerica is through their agent. There is no avenue to purchase their policy online.

However, Primerica has made the process easier by letting you select an agent close to you via the website. In addition, Primerica insurance is licensed throughout the U.S., so don’t worry about whether you can enjoy their service or not from your location.

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Uses for Primerica Life Insurance

There are multiple benefits attached to getting life insurance from Primerica, and we would advise anyone who can afford it to do so. These benefits include;

  • Charitable Contribution – the beneficiaries on your life policy don’t always have to be your family member or friend; it can even be a charity organization. With your instruction, your insurer can pay your favorite charity establishment to ensure your philanthropic acts don’t die with you.
  • Ease Financial Burden – the death benefit on your policy eases the financial burden caused by your death significantly from the shoulders of your loved one. With this money, they could arrange your funeral, pay off debts, invest, or just take care of the family.
  • Inheritance – just like the point above, this one also illustrates how life insurance policies create a comfortable life for our loved ones after we have passed. Again, you are advised to specify your heir as the beneficiary in your policy, so it does not fall on someone else.

Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions and answers. These FAQs will help you understand everything you need to know about canceling Primerica life insurance. Let’s check it out!

What are riders available at Primerica?

Primerica offers three riders on their policy – increasing benefit rider, waiver of premium rider, and a child rider. Before you request any of these riders, it is best to discuss which one would meet your insurance needs best with the agent.

Can I borrow from my Primerica life policy?

No, you cannot. Primerica life policies are term policies, so they do not accrue cash value. On this note, you cannot take a loan against this policy or borrow from your policy account.

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Does Primerica issue payout for death by suicide?

Generally, insurance companies do not pay out for death by suicide. However, insurance carriers are also bound by state laws, so the state they are located in may prevent them from making payouts in such instances.

If you are contemplating suicide or you know anyone who is, you can reach for support from the National Suicide Prevention Line at any time. Your i


Cancelling your life policy at Primerica is a seamless process that can happen over a phone call or with the click of a button. Whatever reason you have for cancelling your policy is a valid one. However, we would advise you to think long and hard about whether it is the best decision to make with the help of your agent.


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